People Love Us!

“My daughter had a fun time at camp! Thank you for providing an excellent camp experience.”

“Thank you for helping my son have a good senior camper experience… I think it was a valuable learning experience, and he also had fun!”

“I really can’t put into words how appreciative & grateful we are for all that you do for the kids at camp. “Thank you” just does not seem to ever be enough.”

“Thank you to all the staff for a terrific summer and for doing such a great job!!!”

“I wanted to take a brief minute to express my most sincere thanks for the wonderful experience you gave my son this past summer. Having sent him to two other camps in the area over past summers, I can wholeheartedly say that we have found the perfect match at CCC camp! He had refused to attend every swim class we have enrolled him in over the years, yet I heard “I love swimming lessons” this year for the very first time, thanks to all of you and your wonderful staff!!!”

“Your dedication and attention to the children are just unmatched!”

“I just wanted to let you know my son has after school activities starting tomorrow. He’s taking the Stop-Motion Animation class. He got his interest in this class from the CCC Summer Camp film making!”

“This summer has been great for my son and it has really built up his confidence!”